Measures to emergency



Measures to emergency

Matters of attention for management

The owner or the manager of an elevator shall conduct the following measures speedily when there is a damage to humans due to an elevator.

  • Rescue of humans and other necessary measures
  • Contact 119 (firefighters) and repairers
  • Contact the victim’s family
  • Report the accident to the inspector
  • Emergency evacuation of the passengers


Emergency rescue of passengers inside the car

  • If there is a notification that users cannot get out, immediately contact the repairer. Go to the site and inform the users to wait for rescue.
  • Depending on the location of the car suspended, there is a possibility that a user or a rescuer may fall down to the hoist way. Therefore, pay sufficient attention.
  • If the car doorsill is 60cm or longer and shorter than 120m, open the platform door and the car door. Rescue people by placing a folding ladder inside the car.


Rescue of users via manual operation

  • Turn off the main power switch.
  • If elevator doors on all floors are open, close them.
  • Check if the car door is closed with the user inside and inform if it can be moved manually.
  • Control the brake opening lever and insert the manual handle into the motor axis or fly wheel.
  • Gradually turn the manual handle and move to a nearby floor.
  • Take off the handle, open the door and rescue the users.


Measures to a fire

Fire inside a building
  • If there is a fire, do not evacuate by using an elevator.
  • To evacuate, use the floors. Place all elevators inside a building on the evacuation floor. Close the doors and stop them.
  • As for emergency elevators, let them move following the purposes of fire extinguishing, etc.
Fire inside a machine room
  • As for a fire inside a machine room, use a fire extinguisher for electric devices.
  • Keep contacting with the users inside the car and turn off the main power switch.
  • If the car stops in the middle of floors, rescue the users based on the method stated above.
Fire in a hoist way
  • Be careful not be suffocated due to burning of lubricating oil of electric wires or rails.


Measures to an earthquake

  • There may be stopping in the event of an earthquake. Therefore, do not use an elevator for evacuation.
  • After an earthquake, magnitude 3, managerial technician shall inspect and check if there are problems before restarting. In the event of an earthquake, magnitude 4, an elevator professional shall conduct the same activities.
  • If users cannot get out due to an earthquake, evacuate them according to the above-mentioned method. After completion of rescue, suspend until the above-mentioned inspection and confirmation are finished.